Aquaculture Review Board

The Nova Scotia Aquaculture Review Board is an independent decision making body with a mandate to decide on aquaculture applications in marine areas for new sites, expansions to existing sites and the addition of finfish species to sites not currently approved to produce finfish.


UPCOMING: Public hearing on applications by C & G Aquaculture.

An application has been made by by C&G AQUACULTURE for a NEW MARINE AQUACULTURE LICENCE and LEASE for SUSPENDED, BOTTOM CULTURE WITH GEAR, and BOTTOM CULTURE WITHOUT GEAR of AMERICAN OYSTER (Crassostrea virginica)BAY SCALLOP (Argopecten irradians)QUAHOG (Mercenaria mercenaria), and RAZOR CLAM (Ensis directus) - AQ#1448 in MERIGOMISH HARBOUR, PICTOU COUNTY


UPCOMING: Public hearing on applications by Kelly Cov Salmon Ltd.

Applications have been made by KELLY COVE SALMON LTD. for a BOUNDARY AMENDMENT and TWO NEW MARINE FINFISH AQUACULTURE LICENSES and LEASES for the cultivation of ATLANTIC SALMON (Salmo salar) - AQ#1205x, AQ#1432, AQ#1433  in LIVERPOOL BAY, QUEENS COUNTY.

March 6, 2024 UPDATE:   Notice of Adjournment - NSARB-2023-001  as per Section 29 of the Regulations, all sessions of the hearing have been adjourned until further notice. Timeframes for submissions to the Board remain unchanged and are closed.


View the list of Decisions issued by the Aquaculture Review Board.

How To Participate

Rules and regulations for public participation in matters brought before the Aquaculture Review Board.